Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lesson # 18 | MARK 7:31-8:10 | THE COMPASSION OF GOD

I.  Greetings:           


II. Introduction:  Today in America it is politically correct to be nice.  If we are not harsh, speak kindly, and can be easily moved to say words that express our feelings of pity then we are considered "nice" people.  In the Gospels Jesus is not always nice, but He is compassionate.  His compassion is more than words, feelings, or a commitment to never hurting someone's feelings, but something is much more needful in our world.  It is much deeper, much greater. 

            It is the amazing and yet practical compassion we are to have as His followers.  Let me explain.


III.  Compassion with An Individual and Its Affects:  Mark 7:31-37.

            Note:.  Jesus was probably in Gentile territory in the passages above and seemingly seeking rest for Himself and His men.  Now He makes His way back near Jewish territory but not quite in complete Jewish areas.  He is in the Decapolis, probably a mixed area containing both Jews and Gentiles.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 7:31-35.

            Q  How is Jesus compassionate in His action?

               An = Jesus shows compassion on this individual by taking him aside privately:  1)  Perhaps not to embarrass him because he was deaf.  2)  Also, perhaps it allows Jesus to identify more personally with the man by getting him out of the glare of the crowd.  It might have been hard for this man to focus with all the people looking at him.

            RQ  Do we have friends we want Jesus to bless?

            Q  What could we do that is similar to the people in this situation?  How would you get one of your friends in the presence of Jesus?

               An = We can begin to pray for them.  We can bring them to someone we believe has the presence of Jesus more powerfully in them such as a godly relative, church friend, or religious leader.

            Note:  What is fairly certain is Jesus takes time to truly identify with the person.  This deaf person is a human, not a case.  He puts His fingers in the man's ears perhaps to show him by a symbol He is going to deal with (heal) the man's ears.  Then He puts His spit in this man's mouth to symbolize, no doubt, the same thing.  Spittle was understood both in Jewish and Hellenistic culture to be an important curative force.  (Before you laugh at their ideas in the ancient world, remember what happened the last time you hit your finger with a hammer, burned it on a stove:  where did you put your finger?) 

            The important issue is Jesus is talking in this man's language, He is using symbolic language the man can understand.  He is identifying with this man on his own level.  Love must be practical, and it often must be physically demonstrated. 

            Notice Jesus never tells the man that He loves him.

            Q  If you truly got your friend in His presence what would He do with them?  

            Q  Are not Jesus' actions in these verses hints of what He will do today?              

>>>> Have someone read Mark 7:36.

            Note:  By now these are familiar words:  "Tell no one".  Ever notice how much we want recognition for the money we give or the things we do.  Jesus is different.  Jesus' motives are often not our motives.  We want and often crave affirmation for our ministry, while Jesus has other goals.  >>>> Read to them Matthew 6:1-4.  Do not let church convention rob you of eternal glory!!  Give and say nothing.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 7:37.

            Note:  The people were astonished.  Perhaps they expected Jesus to only bless, not heal (Lane, p. 266) - but maybe Jesus will do more than we expect today!

            Note:  They praise Him.  Have two different people read the following texts to the audience: 

>>>> Have someone read Genesis 1:31

>>>> Have someone read Isaiah 35:5,6,10

            Note:  Many good men, and some not so-good men, will tell you Jesus is only a man.  Constantly, through out the Gospel as we have seen, allusions to Jesus point to His deity.  Jesus is acting quite like His Father!


*********************************************************************************            You can decide if time allows use of this section or you can just skip it.

            Note:  We are finishing a unit (chapters 6-7) in Mark's gospel.  Perhaps since miracles are signs, the phrase spoken by Jesus "Be opened" may be tied back to the words,  "If any man has ears to hear let him hear"  (6:52, 7:16, 7:18).

               Note:  Also, most scholars see a pattern to 6:31-7:37 that is repeated in chapter 8.

            6:31-44              Feeding of the Multitude                                      8:1-9

            6:45-56              Crossing of the Sea and Landing                         8:10

            7:1-23            Conflict with the Pharisees                                    8:11-13

            7:24-30            Conversation about Bread                                    8:14-21

            7:31-36            Healing                                                                        8:22-26

            7:37                        Confession of Faith                                                8:27-30[i]



IV.  Compassion on the Multitude:  Mark 8:1-10.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 8:1-3.

            Q  Why does Jesus decide to feed them?

               An = Because He had compassion on them.  They were fasting to stay with Him.  Maybe some of them had run out of provisions and did without food so enthralled were they to be around Jesus.  Notice how practical His compassion is.

               Note:  Jesus is often so different from us in His consideration of a crowd or an audience.  He thinks of His audience.  So often we are so happy we have an audience or enchanted with the fact they are enchanted with us, we do not think to consider their practical needs after they leave the meeting. 

            Q  What are the needs of our community that stir the compassion of Jesus Christ? 

               An = List some things they have done.  Maybe point to others they are not aware of.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 8:4-10.

            Q  With what tone of voice do you think the disciples ask their question in 8:4?

               An = It could have been one of sarcasm but most likely one of frustration.  Jesus was always pushing them beyond where they wanted to go.

            Q  Why does Jesus ask the question in verse 5?

               An = To make them get involved.  We are not to be merely exasperated with what we do not have, but help with what ever we have (seven measly loaves in this case).  You will be surprised what God will do with our pitiful resources.  Think of the needs of our community and our measly resources, but if we start with what we have....

            Note:  They pass out the food.  You and I are to feed a hungary and spiritually needy world.  It is not the disciples' miracle working power though that actually feeds the crowd.  It is Jesus and Jesus only!

            Note:  Remember, as we go today, He wants to love you individually, and love those you love individually.  We need to bring those we love who are in need to Jesus.  He has not changed.  He is the same today, yesterday and forever.

            Note:  Lastly, He wants you involved, even though it is really His power that will truly minister to the needs of the crowds, of our greater community.


V.  Conclusion:  >> Read Isaiah 29:18-19.

[i].   See William Lane,  The Gospel According to Mark, 1974, p. 269.  You may or may not want to use this in your presentation.  I did not when I taught this lesson.  However, it could be helpful to know how structured and purposeful Mark is in his presentation of His Lord.  In addition, you could draw out the point that in our own ministries we often go through patterns.  Similar victories, similar problems, similar blindness of those we seek to reveal the truth, similar travels, etc.  Of course the patterns will eventually change as we follow on to His path.  In 8:31 you have Jesus quite aware that events will be changing.  He will not longer skirmish with His detractors but be harshly persecuted by them.