I. Greetings.
Q Did you ever notice how easy it is to get side-tracked off your real goal?
Q What was Jesus' real goal?
An = Jesus came to earth not to be successful, popular, or found a new religion, but to save the world. Men needed to be saved from sin and ungodliness. They needed to know they needed to repent so that God would begin to redeem them making them fully human again, ready for all eternity.
Q Is it hard to keep on track?
An = Keeping on the true track is hard for humans and the disciples were no exception. We often get off base, but lest we get angry at others who do, or discouraged with ourselves when it is us, Jesus has a word for us.
The message is not spoken but acted out in this section of Scripture.
II. The Preparation of Prayer: Mark 6:45-47.
>>>> Have someone read Mark 6:45-47.
Note: Jesus had just performed an amazing miracle. He feed five thousand people. If you remember, the miracle seemed to be more for the benefit of the disciples than the people. It appears only the disciples knew it was a miracle, a miracle primarily to teach them to have faith in the midst of the tension of ministry or life. Now that the miraculous feeding is over....
Q What is the stated reason for Jesus' sending off the disciples and the crowd?
An = It is for the reason of prayer.
Q Why is it important to get alone to pray? Is it more important to get alone after a tremendous experience of success?
An = Jesus seems to think so! This is the second time we find this pattern in Mark (see 1:35-39). If something goes extremely well for you in a ministry situation, playing, speaking, or doing a service for the church, and if we do not want to get caught up in the illusion of pride, we can begin by talking to the Lord.
Certainly one cannot remain in the stupidity of pride for long in the true presence of the Almighty.
Note: I want to suggest a couple things to pray when alone.
1) Perhaps pray using Scripture as a guide. Philippians 1:9-11, or a Psalm. Let me give you an example from Psalm 38: 13-22, a prayer made by someone in great anxiety and then a another example from a practice of Jesus and Paul.
>>>> Have someone read Psalm 38:13-22:
When over whelmed:
express your confusion or pain (13-14),
express your hope in God in the midst of your trouble due to enemies (15-17),
ask for forgiveness of our own sin (18),
but do not take justice into your own hands
but rather ask God Himself to intervene (19-22).
In other words, pray, do not fume. It is OK to be anxious and ask God in the midst of anxiety for help. It is called faith. It takes faith to pray and not fume.
2) Pray for those with whom you are annoyed.
3) Pray for those you love, remember the "Greek" woman. She was heard in behalf of those she cared for.
III. The Power Over Raging: Mark 6:48-49.
>>>> Have someone read Mark 6:48-49.
Note: See in 6:48 that our Lord is watching - God is always watching, even though He seems to be gone.
Q Why does He let the disciples get in trouble and struggle?
An = Back in Mark 4:35-41, the last time the disciples encountered difficulties in a boat, Jesus was sleeping. Now He is not even in the boat, He is further away, He is on the land. He seems to deliberately allow them to get into situations that stress them out.
Q Is God's goal to make our lives easy?
An = Mark tells us God's goal is to build and bless us. He often allows us to get into storms, as His best blessings come in disguises.
Q Whenever the master is absent did the disciples find themselves in distress?
An = I know I always find myself so! When I know God is near there is nothing that can rattle me.
Note: The phrase "passing by" in verse 48 is seemingly an odd one. However, lets see this phrase in other biblical texts: have someone look up and
>>>> Read Exodus 33:19,22
>>>> Read I Kings 19:11
Mark is deliberately using language that hints of theophany (the appearance of God to men). One familiar with the O.T. language would no doubt have noticed this subtle allusion to deity. This is one more hint that Mark saw Jesus as the same God who founded Israel and created the entire world. Mark sees Jesus in the same language as the Lord God Almighty.
IV. The Disciple's Hardened Hearts: Mark 6:50-52.
>>>> Have someone read Mark 6:50-52
Q What does Jesus say to them in the midst of their fear?
An = "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." When Christ is in our presence, we can be courageous and fear not for He is present! Notice He then climbs into the boat. He climbs into our circumstances, and they sort themselves out!
Give an example of this from your own or someone everybody else knows life. You could have someone set up to do this before the meeting.
Q What does 6:52 mean?
An = Perhaps this helps us see another reason why Jesus let them get so stressed? If we are stressed, maybe it is because we have hardened our hearts. We did not learn from the previous situation what was possible to learn.
Q Did they immediately learn from the previous situation of Jesus making bread for 5,000 people from 5 loaves and 2 fishes?
An = At times Jesus does things in our lives, for us or in our midst, even a miracle, and we do not learn what He so plainly wants us to learn. God does something for us, but often we are not drawn closer to God.
Q If we harden our hearts, and do not learn, does Jesus still love us?
An = Surprisingly, yes. We can go through periods of incredible stupidity, and yet He still loves us.
Note: Understanding the ways of life, and the actions of God, are often not a matter of intellectual ability, but an existential matter, a matter of living faith. A matter of being open to seeing what God is trying to say and do in our lives.
We are often very dense.
V. The Crowds Too: Healing They Want But Not Teaching, Mark 6:53-56.
>>>> Have someone read Mark 6:53-56.
Q In the midst of such acts of healing, what is missing?
An = There is no teaching. Remember Mark is always pointing out that Jesus' real desire is to teach the people, not merely give them temporal blessing. Some of us here today know we need help in a temporal way, but that is really all we want from God. We want blessing, but not what He wants to teach us.
People often do not want the Lord's Word that will heal their souls but only physical healing.
Q Does Jesus heal anyway?
An = Yes, He does. The disciples did not understand what they should have understood, but Jesus saved them in the boat anyway. The people wanted healing, and Jesus gave it to them.
Jesus does not presently teach here, but He will teach. Next week watch what He does. He will creatively get the truth to the people.
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