Sunday, October 12, 2008


I.   Greetings: 


II.  Introduction: 

            Q Have you ever gone to a special meeting?  Have you ever been on a privileged committee?  How did you feel? 

               An = Sometimes, it is fun to be in the inner circle and among the privileged few.  However, when you work for Jesus things can often be quite different than in other settings.  Lets see just how different.  Jesus called special a meeting in Mark 9:30-50.  It is the last episode before He enters back into His public ministry (beginning again in chapter 10), towards Jerusalem and therefore towards His death.


III.  Teaching the Key Truths Once Again:  Mark 9:30-32.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 9:30.

            Note:  He is traveling in familiar territory but not wanting to be known.

            Q What is His goal or intention for not wanting anyone to know?

               An = It appears He wanted to teach His disciples!  He did not want to do public ministry and deal with the crowds.  He wanted to deal specifically and specially with His disciples. 

            So today's lesson, as well as the next lesson, are not for the general public but those who consider themselves part of the leadership or part of the important people in a school, group, or church.

            RQ  Do you consider yourself an important part of the scheme? 

                        Then listen up, this lesson is for you.  You are now in the inner circle. 

            RQ  Do you think you are not part of the inner circle of the spiritually important?

                        Then listen up, so you could see what Jesus would say to you if you ever got into such a group or into a such a special relationship with Him.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 9:31-32.

            Q What three things did He want to teach?

               An = The Son of Man was going to delivered into the hands of men, they would kill Him, and three days later He would rise.

            Q How did the disciples respond? 

               An = They did not understand what Jesus was saying, and they were afraid to ask Him what He meant.  He had told them this exact truth before (8:31 and 9:9-10).

            Q Why did they react this way?

               An = (see Lane, p. 337).  In my opinion they were acting primarily in fear.  To explore further what He was saying or meaning was too painful for them.  There are times we do not want to understand because we are afraid to understand.  Sometimes we do not hear what those closest to us are saying because we unconsciously believe we cannot afford to really look at it. 

            The disciples were much like we are today.  They had selective hearing.  They heard what they wanted to hear.  They did not want to hear their leader was going to be given over to His enemies and killed.

            Q Does Jesus press them further at this time on this issue? 

               An = No.

            Note:   Key to the whole teaching today is this:  if you do not understand the cross then you will not understand the crown.  The disciple's refusal to deal with His death would stop them from understanding His real glory.  If they could not understand His "death", then they could not see the resurrection (9:31 d).  Similarly, they had to understand their own death (especially to their selfishness or selfish ambitions) if they were to understand their real role in the kingdom of God.


IV.  The Key to Greatness Is Receiving:  Mark 9:33-37.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 9:33-37.

            Q Did Jesus need to ask His question about their discussion topic?

               An = He seems to think this is an important issue to discuss.  So He raises the question because they are part of the inner circle. 

            Q Why didn't they answer?

               An = They were probably a bit embarrassed. 

            Have them turn back to Mark 9:31.

>>>> You read Mark 9:31.

            Note:  They will not face the truth of Mark 9:31.  They do not want to deal with this so Jesus tries another route with His men.  He now works off their agenda, their discussion topic which happens to be:  who will be the greatest.  They are going off on power trips.

            Note:  It was a sign of their culture to constantly ascertain their status in social situations.  Sounds familiar today does it not?  We often buy, eat, drive, (and even work at) certain things because it elevates our status, not because it is really good or even enjoyable (Lane, p 339). 

            Jesus' disciples probably thought they were all going to be high up in the coming Kingdom of God.  They would be Secretary of State, Head of Transportation, Vice President, etc.

            Q  What is Jesus' answer to greatness?

               An = See Mark 9:35, >>> Re-read Mark 9:35.

            Q  How does Jesus illustrate His answer of 9:35?

               An = He does so with an object lesson, He uses a vivid illustration, that of the child in 9:36.

>>>> Re-read Mark 9:36-37.

            Note: In Aramaic, the word "child" means "servant" too. (Lane, p. 340). 

            Note: If receiving a child or a servant is the key to greatness then how is such a thing done?

            Q  How do we receive a child or a servant in His Name?

               An = Let me give you four possible ways to apply this.


#1            Q  Is it important how we treat waitresses in a resturant?

            Q  Is it important how we treat any employee that is lower down on the totem pole of where we work?  Is it important to God how we perceive them?

               An = Our greatness is tied to this.  If we receive them graciously and politely and with respect then we receive Jesus, and thus we receive God. 

            Note:  Imagine a child that was extremely rude to the other children.  When questioned as to why they thought themselves superior to the other children they told us:  "I have three quarters in my pocket".  We would laugh, for we have a lot more quarters than that.  We see the value of all the children, and that how many quarters they have in their pockets is not really an essential issue.  Yet how many times do we look down on others because they do not have the money we have.  Jesus is not impressed!  He made the worlds.  All the cattle on a thousand hills are His.  He is not even impressed with Bill Gates.  He will judge Bill Gates not by how much money he gives to charity, but whether he treats his lowest employee well, the lowest servant, well.  


#2            Q  Do we receive children?  Are they important to us?

            Q  Are those who teach Sunday School the great ones in the church, those who work in the nursery, or with our youth?

               An =  It is not those who serve on boards or give money who are great in our church but those who receive the lowly and children.  It is where the heart of God is.


#3            Q  What children do we know of who are not presently received?  Who could Jesus possibly be talking about?

            Q  Are their children in your extended family that are not well received?

               An = It is the true Christian that will go out and aggressively seek to receive such a child, especially the child without a father or mother, or the child that comes from the weaker financial position of the extended family, or the child whose parents are not living the life of wisdom.

            Jesus is watching, hoping.  Remember if we receive them, we are receive Jesus Christ and therefore God.


#4            Q = What about the neighborhood children right here around our campus or church?

               An = I do not think we can say we are followers of Jesus Christ and not reach out to the children in our very neighborhood.  Their only chance of hearing the Christian gospel is us.  We cannot hide behind "that is not our ministry", because our very greatness depends on how we receive these very children.

            Note:  Many folks in this room secretly wish they were greater Christians.  The beginning may not be in getting some type of reputation, joining a mission team, or getting the correct doctrine, but in obeying Jesus Christ.

            What are we doing for children?  What about the outcasts in your own family?  What about helping out in a program that helps children?  What about the evangelism of lost children?