Sunday, June 15, 2008


I.  Greetings: 


II. Introduction:  Prayer for others.


**** This prayer can be skipped if it does not apply or work with your group ****

            Note:  Since today's lesson is on praying for others, I would like to introduce to our group a more scheduled way of praying for the needs of our study.  I know many of you pray already for others in this group, but this may increase your efforts and help others to join who are not yet praying.

   A.  Procedure: 

            1.  Cards will be distributed to make prayer requests.

            2.  They will be typed up on a sheet.

            3.  They will be distributed to those who signed up to pray, as well as leaders.

                   If you want to pray for others give your name to....

   B.  Reasons for Praying for Others: 

            1.  It teaches us unselfishness.

       2.  It pushes us to stay righteous.  I often refrain from sin when I remember the prayers of                         a righteous man avail much.  In other words, we fast from sin so our prayers will                         be effective on other's behalf.

            3.  When you realize the needs of others it helps you see your needs in perspective.

            4.  It will change you.  Instead of criticizing others in the group, you pray.  Your whole                         attitude to the group could shift from self centered to other centered.

   C.  Confidentiality is Imperative:

            1.  Do not gossip about what is on the sheet.

            2.  It becomes a point of honor to keep all silent except for talk with God.

   D.  How to Pray:  Two suggestions.

       1.  Pray for Christ's attitude towards the person you are praying for.

       2.  Pray for Christ's best for that person, admitting that you do not know the depth of their                         true need.

   E.  Only Sign Up If You Will Pray.



III. Jesus' First Long Recorded Teaching:  Mark 4:1-20

            Note:  This is Jesus' first major teaching that Mark records.

            RQ  What do you think Mark will report?  Lets see....

>>>> Have someone read Mark 4:1-2.

            Q  How did Jesus speak to large crowds according to these verses?

               An = Jesus spoke in parables.  Today we will look at Jesus' first parable in Mark.

   A.  The Parable of the Sower.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 4:3-8.

            Note:  Verse three lets us know that this parable is going to be an agricultural one.  Jesus is going to use something that all of them could relate to because it was an agricultural community.  We who have been raised most of our lives in cities might need a little help in understanding what was very obvious to those listening to Jesus that day.

            Q  What does verse 4 mean?  What does seed on a road that the birds ate mean?

               An =  The hardness of the road did not allow the seed to work its way into the soil, and so it was left exposed and thus vulnerable to the birds.  Hard soil does not work.  The seed cannot get into packed, hard soil.  That is why a farmer is usually pictured plowing (In the old pictures with a horse drawn plow or today with a tractor.).

            Q  Can you give an example from your experience of the truth of hard soil?

            Q  Now what does verse 5 mean?  What does seed that is placed in rocky soil mean?

               An = Rocky soil means there is not enough depth of soil for the root system to develop.  Soil that is not deep enough does not allow the root system to become large enough to support the plant.  When harsh weather comes, especially the warm sun of summer, the root system must be developed or the plant will wilt and not produce anything of value.

            Q  Has this happened to you spiritually?  Have you not had enough preparation spiritually or depth to your relationship with Christ that caused you to wilt when opposition came?

            Note:  Most modern farming is intensely involved with weed control.  If the weeds do not get removed the soil's food goes into the weeds and not into the plants.  Usually weeds grow faster than the plant you wanted to farm, and so they can choke out the grain or shade it out so it is stunted and does not produce as much.

   B.  Key to Interpreting the Parables of Jesus. 

>>>> Have someone read Mark 4:9

            Note:   shema, the Hebrew word for "hear" has a double meaning in Hebrew.  It also means to "obey".  In other words one is not just to intellectually hear the truth, but one must obey it as well.

            Q What is Jesus telling us with this phrase as far as understanding parables go?

               An =  We must be active listeners or we will not truly "know". 

   C.  Those Who Will Not Understand. 

>>>> Have someone read Mark 4:10-12

            Note:  Living in a garage does not make you a car and hearing God's Word does not make you a Christian.

            Note:  As long as one refuses to believe (and act on that belief), they will continue to be perplexed by the person of Jesus and His kingdom.  We have seen over and over again in the book of Mark people did not want to "hear" the Word of God, but merely wanted the miracles.  Yet it was the "Word" truly heard that could lead to true healing and therefore salvation.

            RQ Do we want to be different?  Do we want to be ones who really hear?

            Note:  We know the Bible is speaking of God's Word when it speaks of the seed.  What we sometimes fail to realize is that God's Word is not just a book we call the Bible.  It is more!  It is the very thought and mind of Almighty God.  If we can learn to think like the Bible, we can learn to think like our Lord.  We could learn to think and see the world as Jesus Christ does.  The powerful way He loves the world could be ours.  The wisdom that He uses in handling us when we are close to Him could be ours.

            Q So why are a lot of Christians so little like Jesus Christ?

               An = Because they hear the Word but never really take it in.  They are not fruitful because they are not good soil.

   D.  Explanation of the Parable. 

>>>> Have someone read Mark 4:13-20

            1.  After the reading, without much moving, break into groups of three.

            2.  >>>> Re-read 4:18-19 out-loud to the entire group.

            3.  Have them share names (if do not know one another) and what 4:18-19 means to them.  What has, or can hold you back?

            4.  Stay in groups >>>> Have someone re-read 4:20 to the entire group.

            5.  In their groups, have them discuss two questions.

               a.             Q  What goals for helping others do you have? i.e. "What is a fruitful life for you personally?"  

                        Q  What are your goals spiritually?

   E.  Immediate Application:  Refocus everyone back to the front of the Room.

      Note:  God wishes to do significantly (miraculously) more with those who are good soil!  His power in us will do amazingly more than we would have dreamed.  The power will be beyond us, it will be the power of the Kingdom.

            Note:  Our prayers can become powerful.  We could see mighty things for others, and for our attitudes towards others, if we become good soil.

            Q  So, how can God make us good soil?  What must be done with what we have heard?

               An = An example from the parable might help.  The reason seeds will not grow on a path is the ground is pressed and compacted.  It would need to be plowed so that the soil is pliable, able to accept the seed and oxygen to the seedling. 

            Q  Will we allow God to plow our lives?  Usually sorrow, challenge, or being pushed out of our comfort zones does that best. 

            Q Will we obey God and let Him do that?

               An =  Soil that is shallow or filled with rocks or hardpan will not sustain the plant.  If we have no depth, we will not make it.  Will we allow God to make us people of depth?

            Note:  The weeds in a field compete with the nutrients, oxygen and sunlight

available to the good seed.  Weeds must be knocked down, or pulled out.  For most of us we struggle with materialism, and preoccupation with things has to go for true spiritual soil to be present in our lives.  We cannot have two masters Jesus says.

            Q  What specific material thing or issue is choking out our spiritual life right now?  

            Note:  Another way the issue of weeds could be understood is some type of sin.  There might be a sin right now that is blocking out the Word from our lives.