I. Greetings:
II. Introduction:
A. In the Palestinian region there is a mountain formation surrounding the Sea of Galilee. The winds come off the mountains in such a way that at anytime this calm lake can turn into a raging body of water. Good and terrible men have drown in that lake. The Sea of Galilee is not such that only bad men drown in it. It seems to be able to drown anyone at anytime. Some have wondered if good Christians can die in natural disasters? Would God be in control? We would like to deal with a little of that this evening as we look at the book of Mark. I would like to do this by showing you a little movie. However, it will be a mental movie; it will play on the screen of your mind. So get ready to imagine and see in your mind's eye a short motion picture.
B. Close your eyes, imagine a seashore, its towards evening.
C. >>>> Have someone read Mark 4:35-41.
D. Open your eyes, this is how believers received the Scriptures for centuries, not everyone could read. They heard the Bible. Now think back over what you saw:
Q What are the two major emotions the disciples had?
An = fear and amazement.
Q Why did spending time with Jesus Christ produce such an affect on them? Is this what you would expect from spending time with Jesus?
II. The Sleeping God: Storms in our lives.
>>>> Have someone re-read Mark 4:35-37
Q Who is left behind and who is goes with Jesus?
Q Do you think it would be great to be part of the special group?
>>>> Have someone re-read Mark 4:38
Q If asked, how would you answer the question, "Why does God seem so far away in our trials?"
An = Let me share a few thoughts from a 4th Century AD believer, John of Antioch or John Chrysostom (Chrysostom pp. 189-191.):
Q Whose idea was it that the disciples get into the boat?
An = It was Jesus' idea in verse 35 that they travel across the lake. The crowds were allowed to see the miracles, but the disciples got their boat rocked. If you are a disciple you will get different treatment than the crowds.
Q Is it the treatment you would have expected?
Q Do you really want to be a true disciple, or just one who enjoys going with the crowd?
RQ Have you met Christians that only like to see God do great things?
Q Why is Jesus allowing their boat to be rocked, and sleeping while they are in peril?
An = If you are a disciple you will discover that Jesus Christ is an excellent trainer. Chrysostom says, in the boat Jesus was aiming at two things: strength in the midst of trials and to be modest in honor. They were kept and the multitudes sent away. Therefore, lest they be high minded, they got their boat rocked. When facing trials and terrors He takes none but the "champions of the world, whom He was to discipline" (Chrysostom, pp. 189-191). He wanted them to be strong, and He wanted to keep them humble.
Q Had Jesus not slept would they have feared? Why did He sleep?
An = He sleeps to give them occasion to doubt. We learn to call out to Him in trials like no other time in our lives. The apostle Paul did: see II Corinthians 1:8-10.
>>>> Have someone read II Corinthians 1:8-10.
Note: I spoke with a co-ed who was struggling with some issues, and she asked for prayer, but as she turned to leave, she said, "Make no mistake, I have never been closer to God then right now".
Q Must Jesus place us in hard places (storms) so we see how others view His power to deliver?
An = Remember, the disciples had not been healed. They had lived pretty healthy lives. They could not relate to the pain and fear those who needed healing lived with. They did not know the suffering of demon-possession, serious deformation, leprosy, or the pain of the various diseases others dealt with.
EXAMPLE Give an example from your own life. (For me it was the root canal done recently that gave me a better understanding of what was faced by the many people I visited in the hospital as they recovered from their operations.)
IV. His Awakening:
>>>> Have someone read Mark 4:39-40.
A. The Cause of our fear.
Q What causes our fear?
An = Chrysostom would say fear comes not through trials but the weakness of our minds.
Q Remember the things you feared when you were young but no longer fear? Why do you no longer fear them?
Q Would someone like to share something that really scared them when they were young but no longer has that affect on them?
Q For those who shared, why are you are no longer afraid?
Q What is the principle that could apply to the things we are afraid of right now?
An = Ask them to write down one they presently fear. Then to write down next to it something they used to fear and no longer fear.
B. Learning to believe. It takes awhile to fully believe.
>>>> Re-read Mark 4:11 and Mark 4:34.
Note: It might encourage you to note that even for Jesus' disciples, truly learning about the Kingdom of God was not automatic. They were on the inside track. The disciples were "seminary students" of the day. They had access to the teachings of Jesus.
Q Can learning what faith really is about be learned in books?
RQ Is not faith often best learned in a boat?
An = I believe the Holy Spirit carefully placed this story in chapter four. We learn how the disciples were being given special intellectual instruction, and now they are being given a special lesson in faith.
RQ If we want to learn from the real master teacher, will not some of our education take the form of stress or trials (storms in a boat with God seemingly not awake)?
V. Who Is In The Boat.
>>>> Have someone read Mark 4:41.
Q Who is in the boat?
An = Jesus! The key to our lives with Him is to realize just who is in the boat with us. Let me share three observations about Jesus from this story....
1. Jesus is active. He is a Person, not an intellectual abstraction.
2. Jesus is the Lord, not a servant of God. Moses had a rod with which to control water, Elijah and Elisha had to strike the water with a mantle, Jesus merely spoke. He is unbridled, unmitigated, undiluted power.
3. This shows us Jesus' Dual Nature: a man with normal outward appearance, and He needed sleep, = He was a man; However, He speaks and nature obeys = He was God.
Note: We also are "in the boat" so let me remind you of three thoughts about disciples in closing:
1. If you are His disciple, it is important to remember that He is in the boat with us! This is true despite what appearances are or how you feel right now. For those of you who have flown on a foggy day you may not see the sun if you are on the ground, but if you get above the ground cover you can see that above the fog it is a beautiful sunny day. If we are experiencing a dreary day we may not feel there is a sun, but that does not change the fact that there is one. The sun is there whether we feel it or not.
2. We live forever and He is developing and strengthening us, because what He is training will live forever. He rocks the boat because He has other events in mind. He wants to teach us faith. Our present "boat rockings" are deliberate things He allows because we are in His hands, and He has plans on how to use our lives.
3. The proof that He has plans for us is that He has rocked our boat. God will not make life easy for His disciples. If you think Christianity will be easy you are wrong. He wants to make something of you that will be beautiful and powerful all through your life into eternity. Jesus Christ is not our personal "Jeanne" to make our lives pleasant and easy.
If you want an easy life then do not get into the boat with Jesus.
If you want to be with Jesus, then get in. He knows exactly what He is doing.