Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lesson # 3 | MARK 1:32-45 | SUCCESS OR OBEDIENCE

I.  Greetings:  Mark chapter one presents the very beginning of Jesus' ministry and therefore of His "career".  Jesus is Almighty God but also a human being.  Therefore, there is a presentation of Him facing what many of us have to face when the "rubber-hits-the-road", facing the pressure of meeting expectations.


II. Does Success Bring Pressure?

            Q  How many of you want to be in a leadership position, let me see your hand?

            Q  Why do so many of us want such positions, if we are honest?

               An = Many times it is because along with the position comes prestige, there is honor with being in a high position.  There is prestige in being the starting pitcher for a World Series Game, but with the prestige comes something else, expectations.  There is prestige in being the head of a business but with the perks comes the pressure to produce.  There is an enormous pressure to succeed.

            Q Would you think ministers or youth directors have the same struggle or pressure to succeed?

            Q How many of you have been in charge of a ministry?  Was there pressure to succeed?


III.  Jesus Handles Success By Keeping His Eyes On The Goal.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 1:32-33

            Q  How many people were there?

               An = The whole city was at the door.

            Q  What did they want?

>>>> Have someone read Mark 1:34

            Q How successful was Jesus?

               An = Very successful.

>>>> Have someone read Mark 1:35

            Q What did He do in the height of success?

               An = He went off alone to pray.

            Q  Why pray when you are successful?

>>>> Have someone read Mark 1:36-37

            Q  Simon and company want to find Jesus for what reason?

>>>> Have someone read Mark 1:38-39

            Q  What has Jesus' prayer time seem to have led to?

               An = He is going to move.

            Note:  It is very easy to get side-tracked with initial success and not keep our eyes on what we are really supposed to be doing.  Perhaps there is a place in our lives when we have to move in order to accomplish our real goals.

            Q What are Jesus' reasons for moving from a successful ministry sight? 

               An = See Mark 1:38 (in order that...I may preach....). 

            Q  Was Jesus impressed with His own miracles?

               An = They are seemingly not the focus of His ministry.  He knew the real purpose of His being in that location was to preach.  Then Jesus went out and did what He planned (1:39). 

            Q  Is it easy to get our eyes off our real goal after we have immediate success?

            Q  Do we, as humans have trouble leaving something when we are successful?

               An = Examples:   Some in high school hate leaving and mentally they never do for many years after they are 18, or are in college who are finally comfortable with academic expectations and they do not want to graduate and move on, they keep changing their majors.             

            Q  Do we stay in some jobs for the same reason?  Why?

               An = Sometimes because it is secure, but it was not really what we know we are to do, but we are successful in it. 

            Note:   Remember the goal!!  High school or college is not the goal but a means to the goal.  The temporary success of a job or a dating relationship is not the end, look to the end.  Is that what you want to end of up with?  Have the courage to move on.  The goal is obedience and not immediate success.


IV.  Obedience not praise:

>>>> Have someone read Mark 1:40

            Q  What does this man want?

>>>> Have someone read Mark 1:41-42

            Q  Is Jesus short on power?

               An =  He speaks and the deadly disease is gone.  Molecules rearrange themselves at His will.  This is unbridled power.

            Q What is Jesus' motive for healing?

               An = compassion. (1:41)   To touch a leper was a scary, socially risky thing to do.

            Q  Is Jesus willing to touch the unclean? 

            Q  Who is it in our office at work, at the shop, or family that is like this leper in our lives?

>>>> Have someone read Mark 1:43-44

            Q  What is Jesus doing here?  Why the command to be silent?

            Q  Why the second command to go show himself to the priest?  What is Jesus after?

            Note:  In verse 41 Jesus is full of compassion, but in verse 43 the words translated "sternly warned" or "strong warning" have behind them in the Greek the word "anger".

            Q Why is Jesus so stern?

            Q Why has Jesus moved from compassion to angry, stern commands?

               An = 1.  He wanted the man readmitted to society - not praise for Himself.                                                              2.  This man's publicizing his healing would have hampered the ministry to others.  What was seemingly an exuberant act of gratitude hurt others and Jesus Himself.  The excessive press hurt Jesus' access to others. 

            Q  Did Jesus deliberately seek publicity?

>>>> Have someone read Mark 1:45

            Q  Did the man obey?

            Q  Did the man gain anything from the healing?

            Q  Was Jesus more interested in physical or spiritual healing?

                 An = It would be cruel indeed if all we did as Christians was to heal or help people with physical problems and not help them with their real problem.  Jesus never loses sight of the real objective. 

            Q  By not obeying did the man miss the real healing?

            Q  Can you see how a ministry can get side-tracked? 

               An = It can let the "good" get in the way of the "best".  Compassion ministries are a natural outflow of Christians being in a situation, but we must keep our eyes on the goal.

            Q Does Jesus want to guide our acts of mercy? 

            Q If we are in the leper's position today, what does He want us to obey, or what act of discipline for His sake does He want after we have experienced His touch? 

            It is sometimes a lot easier to talk about Jesus than obey Him.